Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum in Hannover


City: Hanover

Country: Germany

State: Lower Saxony


Opend 1962


Species 181

The museum was founded in 1852 and moved to its present site 1902 It has 4 departments, one for fine arts (showing pices from the midleage to the 20th century) and those for archeology,  natural science and ethnology. As a part of natural science the museum has a vivarium with fish, amphibians, reptiles and anthropods called waterworlds

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Last visitet 2023




Vivarium im Niedersächsischen Landesmuseum Hannover

Willy-Brandt-Allee 5

D 30169 Hannover




Phone: 05119807686




Open minimum tuesday-sunday 10am-5pm, closed 1st january, Good Friday, 1st may, 24th-25th and 31st december 




  • Adult 5,- Euro
  • Child 4,- Euro
  • Family 10,- Euro (2 adults and up to 3 children)


The aquarium startet in the 1950's with small tanks on the window sill's at the museum. With money from the Sprengel family the fish and reptiles could get theire own section in 1962. 1984 this section was extended and in 1997-99 renovatet.

In the Vivariums section on the ground floor we on the left hand see 4 aquariums with fish from the Northern Sea, home to  lobster and sole. Then we look at 4 aquariums with European fresh water aquariums, home to pikes among other. Passing a large Amazone river aquarium, home to sting rays and arowanas. Turning left we then are having other fish from the Amazone river, like the electrical eal. Going to the next room we see dinosaurs and other creatures to an natural history museum. Here we find 9 terrariums home to monitors, dragons, poison dart frogs and snakes. Heading back to the aquarium part we meet the piranhas and other South American fish in 3 aquaria. The next step are 3 aquaria with African fish. Before heading for the exit of this part we then look at 4 aquaria with animals from the coral reef




DE: In den Abteilungen kaltes Meereswasser, Heimische Fische, Tropisches Süss- und Meereswasser werden so unterschiedliche Arten wie Hummer, Seezungen, Gelbbauchunken, Flösselhechte, Höhlensalmler und Piranhas gezeigt. In den Terrarien werden Warane, Agame, Giftfrösche und Schlangen gezeigt.



DK: Dette museum rummer alt, lige fra jordens udvikling over geologi, palæontologi og naturhistorie. Der et lille vivarium der viser almene dyr som skægagamer, piratfisk og pilgiftsfrøer
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